
Minggu, 18 Desember 2011

Artikel Kesehatan - Apa Manfaat Keringat Bagi Tubuh?

Posted By: Unknown - 01.00

Apa Manfaat Keringat Bagi Tubuh?

the kesehatan of how to stop sweaty armpits
by: Josh McPartland
Tahukah Anda apa fungsi keringat sebenarnya? Selama ini kita sering mengeluarkan keringat baik disengaja maupun tidak seperti saat dalam kemacetan di jalan, sedang presentasi di kantor atau sedang makan siang dengan nasi hangat dan lauk sambal pedas. Keringat yang mengucur paling-paling hanya sekedar diseka dengan sapu tangan atau tisu. Kita tidak pernah mencari tahu mengapa keringat keluar dan apa fungsinya bagi tubuh.

Dalam jurnal penelitian Experimental Psycology, telah dilakukan sebuah penelitian tentang keringat terhadap 37 orang pria dan wanita. Sebagian para sukarelawan tersebut diminta untuk melakukan aktifitas bersepeda selama satu jam untuk mengukur seberapa banyak keringat yang dikeluarkannya serta apa efeknya bagi tubuh. Kesimpulan akhir dari penelitian ini sangat mengejutkan sekali, dimana ternyata volume keringat pria jauh lebih banyak dibandingkan volume keringat wanita. Ini menandakan bahwa tubuh wanita sangat buruk dalam mendinginkan tubuh dari panas yang ditimbulkan oleh aktifitas kerja. Karena fungsi keringat adalah untuk menurunkan suhu tubuh yang meninggi sewaktu melakukan aktifitas berat.

Selain kesimpulan di atas, penelitian tersebut juga menyatakan bahwa ternyata keluarnya keringat melalui pori-pori kulit sangat baik bagi kesehatan tubuh. Keringat yang keluar ternyata membawa serta toxin atau racun-racun yang ada di dalam tubuh. Jadi, orang yang sering berkeringat lebih sehat dibandingkan orang yang jarang mengeluarkan keringatnya.

Dari kesimpulan di atas dapat dipahami bahwa mulai saat ini Anda tidak perlu ragu untuk berkeringat, karena berkeringat itu menyehatkan. Dan satu hal yang perlu diperhatikan adalah menjaga cairan yang keluar melalui keringat agar tetap dalam keadaan normal sangat penting sekali. Untuk itu, minum air putih disela-sela aktifitas adalah sangat dianjurkan sekali agar terhindar dari dehidrasi.***


How to Stop Sweaty Armpits - Are Medical Treatments Really the Only Option?
by: Josh McPartland
If you're here to discover how to stop sweaty armpits then you are not going to be disappointed. For many people, sweating is something the body does when it gets hot, and sweating is a perfectly normal bodily function. However for some people, sweating is a major problem. I'm not just talking about a little bit of extra sweat, I am talking about constant excessive sweating, and I want to show you how to treat it.

That's right and if you are desperate to find out how to stop sweaty armpits then you will be pleased to find out that you can apply some tips to stop it. I used to have a very bad case of sweaty armpits and I have to say it was a constant source of embarrassment. I couldn't wear light clothing because my sweat patches were so visible and was very self-conscious about raising my arms because I didn't want anyone to see my sweat patches!

It wasn't just the visibility of my sweat patches that were embarrassing either, as you could really smell how bad they were too! This was why I wanted to find out what I could do to stop underarm sweating because I was tired of getting picked on by ignorant people who said that I never washed. This was totally unfair because I would wash just as much as everyone else but because I had hyperhidrosis I would sweat so much!

The first action I took when finding out how to stop sweaty armpits was talking to my doctor, and this was where I encountered the two main medical treatments to get rid of excessively sweaty underarms. The first of these treatments was iontophoresis which involved placing small spongy patches onto my arms that were soaked in water, and then passing a small electrical charge through the sponge.

The other treatment to get rid of sweaty underarms was Botox injections. This treatment had a high success rate however because this treatment was so expensive I could not afford it. Iontophoresis was also very expensive so I could not take this up either, so I had to try and find out natural ways to get rid of the sweating.

Learning how to stop sweaty armpits naturally was much tougher, however I am so glad I did it. This is because medical treatments don't really cure the problem, and only act as a way to block sweat glands, whereas natural remedies get to the root of the problem. One natural tip I can give you is cut down on your caffeine intake, as caffeine stimulates your immune system to produce more sweat.

I haven't yet mentioned one of the most powerful natural treatments to stop sweaty armpits and I want to show you right now.***

About Unknown

Hi, I am Hafeez Ullah Khan. A webdesigner, blogspot developer and UI designer. I am a certified Themeforest top contributor and popular at JavaScript engineers. We have a team of geeks and professinal programmers, developers work together and make unique blogger templates.


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